Khalid Deyr - PL

Production Log- Week 1

During the first week of planning our short opening scene it was quite simple because we knew exactly how we wanted to film our scene to make sure it ran smoothly. We decided as a group that filming our preliminary task at school would be the best option. While Vinnay and Lemuel prepared the script I decided to take the role of filming the preliminary task. I made sure I had all the camera shots prepared so it ran smoothly. We were all pleased with how our final product turned out. After viewing it with the class we received excellent feedback on our performance in terms of camera shots and the cuts that were made in the editing. I helped with coming up with the script for the preliminary task which made it easier because we all contributed which made the process much more efficient. I had to make sure I didn't make a mistake during the filming of the task because it would have wasted a lot of time. To improve in further tasks I would get more involved in the acting side rather than being behind the camera. 

Production Log- Week 2

We dedicated our second week to our ideas and what we intend to improve on. After completing the preliminary task we decided to discuss the mistakes we made as a group and how we could avoid making those critical time wasting mistakes in the future. We were slightly behind on a few tasks after the preliminary task which meant we needed to catch up. 

Production Log- Week 3

This week was dedicated to finishing previous tasks including the analysis from the preliminary task. We also had to discuss our shot by shot remake and do some research on films that we could possibly remake. 

Production Log- Week 4

This week was dedicated to filming our movie remake which was snatch. In the previous task i wasn’t involved in the scene but this scene I decided to go in front of the camera and get involved. This remake in comparison to the preliminary task was very difficult because we had to get this remake to look very similar to the original footage which was difficult to do. 

Production Log- Week 5

This week we finished editing the scene which we filmed last week but it was very difficult as we didn't film it to a high standard. We tried our best and realised that this will help us improve our own opening scene as we know we will require more time to film that. I believe our preliminary task was much better because that ran very smoothly but this shot by shot remake was much more difficult. After viewing our remake as a group we realised we could have done much better. 

Production Log- Week 6

This week was dedicated to finishing the tasks off that were remaining including the remake analysis that we had to do and also uploading onto the blog because we had done the tasks but weren’t uploading onto the blog regularly. This meant we had to organise ourselves as a group and get anything we were missing completed.  

Production Log- Week 7

This week we decided to check for missing work on our blogs and complete them. If we didn't complete the work it will cause delays in the important weeks coming up.

Production Log- Week 8

This week we went to central London as a group and filmed our recce. We filmed this to get an idea of what our scene may look like. We completed the script now it was time to go visualize it coming to reality.

Production Log- Week 9

This week included a lot of debates and arguments between group members about the ideas we should keep and the ones we should scrap. Everyone made sure they got their ideas across and we came to a conclusion as a group and ended up with a good result.

Production Log- Week 10

This week we completed our rough cut. After watching the rough cut we all agreed that we didn't like it at all so we decided to change the whole story line as well as the script. We knew we would be behind on time if we change everything but we had to take that risk because of our rough cut not going to plan.

Production Log- Week 11

This week we decided as a group that we wanted to change every little aspect of the opening scene. the script, location and narrative. We tried our best the first time but the room we were filming in was too small and limited what we could do. In only 3 days we came up with a new script, plan and idea for where we want to go with this seen. We chose a location that would suit our script the best.

Production Log- Week 12

This week we created our new film opening scene. The editing was a big problem as we had the wind blocking most of the dialogue. We also had other troubles in terms of our other subjects meaning not enough time and effort that we wanted to put in this film opening was available. We rushed in terms of completing this opening scene. I believe we could have done better as a group to communicate and complete this to a high standard. This was very difficult because not all group members were free to film at the same time which meant we had to wait a few days.

Production Log- Week 13

This week we finished the final opening scene and the editing process took a lot longer than expected. Once the final editing was done we realised there were a few mistakes and we corrected them. In the following weeks I will explain in depth how the journey was in my evaluations.

Production Log- Week 14

This week we created a film poster and banner as a group and tried to promote our film. At this point our final cut was fully complete and we were preparing for our evaluations

Production Log- Week 15

This week we solely forcused on our evaluations meaning we had to make sure we completed our individual evaluations before doing the group tasks.

Production Log- Week 16

This week everyone had completed the individual tasks and we were ready to film our group tasks. We just prepared for the group evaluation questions.

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